
I try making common-sense available for free because you need it

Day 7: Full stop – Jubaraj Baruah

I would refer to my previous blog – https://feelsnicetoberude.wordpress.com/2015/02/04/taking-a-step-back/ to start off with this Day 7 blog. This would cover the Part 1 of the day. What happened later was the feeling of helplessness. The fear of the workshop being chucked out had become a reality. Our previous stand on the issue was a compromise with ourselves. I had just been reiterating what  Tanmay Sir had told me later in the day. There was no point in the unanimous decision of protecting the workshop. It was rather in the individual conviction that I would go through the process even if I was the last person standing. The chart paper which had our names with our first favorite and second favorite colors was torn off. It was a testimony of who we want to be and who we are. There were pent up  emotions in the classroom. Release was the best option. Thankfully there always had been shoulders to lean on. After this we went for the dilpoma screening of Subhodro Sir. This then was followed by all of us gathering around CRT and realizing our grave mistake in the meeting with the faculty. Sumana still had  hope and wanted us to atleast get the message past Sreecheta and Mainak. We called for another meeting which got postponed because not everybody was around. So the meeting was then scheduled at 10 PM. Nothing much came out through this  meeting. I doubt even if the message which Sumana wanted to deliver got delivered. The breaking news was  stiill  not  happening as Subhodro Sir would like to put it. We had made our point clear. We stressed on our individual need and conviction to be a part of the workshop and made it  clear that we didn’t want anybody to hamper it. Things seemed to turn from bad to worse  and the heated arguments become the pivotal point than any sense. Hence we decided to chuck the workshop completely. We gave the only two options we had. Ashok came to the rescue and when everybody was losing cool and was on the verge of breaking down, he went out with Sreecheta to have a word. Mainak followed suit. He had already acceeded to the option of being an observer and not a official part of the workshop. Sreecheta was yet to agree. She knew what we felt and how we felt about it. The heated argument must have been more than enough to make her understand that. Ashok took her out and helped her release. At 10:15 sharp, the decision came in. Sreecheta had agreed to the same. Ashok hence asked for a vow from everyone to be on the same page and together. We agreed.

That’s not it. The rest of the story we are not sure of. The battle of being together has not been won completely or has any confirmation on the workshop rolling smoothly has happened? Lets hope the full stop doesn’t happen even if the workshop comes to a complete halt. Important lessons have been learnt. The way to be cornered and to come out of it yet humbly has somehow sunk in. Similarly the mirror has happened too.

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This entry was posted on February 5, 2015 by .